We're In!!

Greetings all! I'm writing this blog from our new home in Maryland. How crazy is that? We're home owners AND we live in Maryland? The home buying process was difficult to say the least but we're through it and working hard on making this house our home.

So far we've torn down some (but not all) of the wall paper, primed and are going to do some painting this weekend. Our new appliances are here and we are working on getting them in this weekend as well. We've done a lot of cleaning, a lot of throwing away, and a lot of cursing of the previous owners...seriously, what were they thinking?!?

We've been happily married for 5 weeks now and despite the house craziness they have been 5 wonderful weeks. Our wedding was amazing, truly one of the happiest days of my life. I'll post pics soon of our progress.

Signing off,


Ty and Sara said…
I totally just realized that your new initials are my initials backwards. You're KS and I'm SK =)

Glad you're all in! XOXO

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