Comprehensive Exams Eve...

Tomorrow at 9am my week of doctoral hazing officially commences. I will receive 12 questions (two questions per six topic areas) and I have to answer 6 questions with a 10 page paper per question. I have 7 days to complete the papers, so basically 1 ten page paper per day with 1 day to edit.

So that means I won't be available via email, phone, ESP or singing telegram. I will take all of the positive thoughts and prayers I can get - I am hopeful that everything will turn out fine but it's a long week...a long week.

I'll try to post an update sometime to let you know that I'm surviving.

Wish me luck!!


Hugs, Love, Good thoughts, and Prayer comming your way! We love you!
Ty and Sara said…
XOXO best of luck babe. Thinking about you!

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