Comprehensive Exams Day 3

I didn't leave anything at 808!!! Woo hoo!! 8 minute commutes are awesome. Today went pretty well, I actually finished my question for the day around 8:30 so will be working on finishing up the questions from the last two days tonight. We got 3 more RSVPs for the wedding today so we're officially up to 125 people! (WOW!) I didn't think I knew that many people! Oh wait...I don't know them all...

So, I know this is what you've been waiting for - what I learned today:

It is not a good idea to walk down steep circular metal steps in socks when you're half asleep, you might kill yourself (or end up with a bruise.)

Laura's apartment doesn't like me, I have injured myself by running into several pieces of furniture.

Ice cream socials in the Lemur Lounge are awesome.

That I have NO idea how people drink 64 ounces of liquid a day on a regular basis. I've been drinking so much more than I normally do and I have to pee ALL.THE.TIME! Seriously...back to 1 soda and 1 bottle of water a day for me after this, I need that time to be productive!

The more tired I get the less control I have over my desire to sing out loud when a good song comes on the radio (in my headphones).

One hypothesized causal mechanism for exposure and response prevention is habituation.

It takes at least three days of minimal sleep, high stress, and low enjoyment for me to not be worried about dog slobber.

I am not a goat.

That's all I've got tonight, now to shower and then to work!


Did this day leave you feeling funky??? Was this the first day you had showered??? Just wondering about the goat comment...

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