Keeping up with the Struemphs :)

Well a month later and I'm posting again! Doing such a great job of keeping you up to date on our lives right? :) I blame most of it on being very very busy but then again I do find time to eat and sleep (most days) so I should be able to find time to blog right!

Micheal and I are slowly settling into being residents of Maryland and the great Washington DC area. It still is pretty insane to me to drive past things like the Washington Monument, or the Lincoln Memorial on a regular basis - sometimes it feels like I've stepped out of my life and right into the scene of the next big blockbuster!

Micheal has been taking intensive French training for the past three weeks and I am busy working at my externship and my job. These things plus renovating our house keeps us pretty busy but we're still trying to find time to have some fun! Laura came up and visited this weekend and it was great to entertain our first house guest. :) AND put her to work helping me prime the shelves in my office - Thanks Laura!! We don't have any major plans coming up for the fall except to keep doing what we're doing.

Check out our home renovation blog at - in the near future I might combine the two but right now am keeping them separate. We'll see how long that lasts. :) Leave me a note to tell me how you're doing!


Jason says if us comming to visit is not major plans for the fall we will just go to Jamica!
since when does the bloger owner have to approve your comment??? And why are you not learning French right along side of Micheal?

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