The day to day

Nothing exciting going on to report around here, Micheal and I are slowly preparing to come home. I've made up our tentative schedule for visiting reception sites, seeing family etc - yes I have to plan my trips home! Actually I have less "planned" than I normally do simply because I'm trying not to drive Micheal to the edge of insanity! So I'll do all my crazy running around trying to see everyone after he goes home on Wednesday. :)

We haven't done much lately...just working (boo) and some more working. We've taken to renting movies and keep talking about going out on a bike ride or exploring the James River up here, we just need to get motivated!

Micheal has viral conjunctivitis (sp?) and has to put this gross vasoline-type medicine in his eyes. It renders him pretty much temporarily blind so he gets pretty grumpy about taking it! :) But he's still doing good. We're trying to get it cleared up before I get it! (As I itch my eye.) Alright, back to work. See you all soon!


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