WE'RE coming home!!
Alright ladies and gentlemen - it's official!! WE'RE COMING HOME! That's right, I said WE - Micheal is making his long awaited return to Kansas City! Rosedales here we come!
We fly home together on July 17th and will arrive in KC at 10:20 am. I'm thinking we'll meet up with some member of the Struemph/Pickens when we arrive spend the day in KC (have lunch at Rosedales) :) and then I'll probably head to T-town to see my family and have dinner at Taco Casa! (Do we see a theme forming here?)
While home we will be starting the exciting task of meeting with potential vendors for our wedding! Currently we'll be looking at receptions sites:
The Little Theatre
James P Davis Hall
Going to try and figure out catering and DJ and go DRESS SHOPPING!!!! Woo hoo!! It's gonna be a party!
Alright, gotta do some work.