Kari M. - M.S. !!!!!!!!
So maybe the last two years of my life weren't spent wasting away in class and in the lab for nothing! A week ago today (I know I'm behind) I successfully defended my Master's Thesis - and wow does it feel good. I was very nervous going in, not sure what to expect, what questions I would get. But the process was much less painful than I thought it would be.
There was no grilling at the end of the presentation like I expected; instead, we discussed each person's questions and concerns throughout and (shock) Clarissa was very supportive and helped me answer questions that I wasn't too sure of.
So what does this mean? I officially graduate in December (haven't decided if I'm doing the ceremony or not) but we are unofficially conferred the letters of the degree once the document is signed so that makes me Kari, M.S.!!!
Micheal was amazing, he took the day off, came down to Richmond with me and helped keep me calm. We both decided him being in the room would only make me more nervous so he just hung out around Rich while I had my meeting. He got back just in time to wait with me in the hallway while they discussed my fate. (Although by that time I was pretty sure it was in the bag.) Then we went to Three Monkeys where Laura, Priscilla, Katy, Meghan, Raquel and Alison (and Steph by phone) all came to help me celebrate! Since it was noon I had a celebratory Mimosa, it seemed like the most appropriate drink. :D
Then what did I do to celebrate?! Came home, checked "defend thesis" off my to do list and took a celebratory "I defended my thesis" nap!! (I know, grad students are lame.)
Here is my checklist! It felt awesome to check that one off.
So thank you to everyone who has supported me - it's been a long two years but now I think I can make it through to the end! There is a light (albeit a dim one) at the end of the tunnel! I just hope it's not a train headed in this direction...
There was no grilling at the end of the presentation like I expected; instead, we discussed each person's questions and concerns throughout and (shock) Clarissa was very supportive and helped me answer questions that I wasn't too sure of.
So what does this mean? I officially graduate in December (haven't decided if I'm doing the ceremony or not) but we are unofficially conferred the letters of the degree once the document is signed so that makes me Kari, M.S.!!!
Micheal was amazing, he took the day off, came down to Richmond with me and helped keep me calm. We both decided him being in the room would only make me more nervous so he just hung out around Rich while I had my meeting. He got back just in time to wait with me in the hallway while they discussed my fate. (Although by that time I was pretty sure it was in the bag.) Then we went to Three Monkeys where Laura, Priscilla, Katy, Meghan, Raquel and Alison (and Steph by phone) all came to help me celebrate! Since it was noon I had a celebratory Mimosa, it seemed like the most appropriate drink. :D
Then what did I do to celebrate?! Came home, checked "defend thesis" off my to do list and took a celebratory "I defended my thesis" nap!! (I know, grad students are lame.)
So thank you to everyone who has supported me - it's been a long two years but now I think I can make it through to the end! There is a light (albeit a dim one) at the end of the tunnel! I just hope it's not a train headed in this direction...
I love checklists.