The Running of the Brides
So I'm skipping ahead of the Kansas Post (I've been CRAZY busy!!) and putting in my Running of the Brides post - well, because I already posted it somewhere else and I can copy and paste!! So here it is! I had to remove a picture of the dress I bought b/c Micheal looks at this blog.
Wow!! That was an adventure! We started preparing the night before where I gave my "team" their matching t-shirts, we made our "Need 0-6 with straps" trading signs and going through wedding mags to get an idea of what types of dress I like. Then we got up at 5:00 am and got there about 6:15. The doors opened up at 8am and when we got there at 6:15 I would estimate that there were already about 300-400 people in line in front of us. This was the side of the building and the line wrapped around that corner to the front door:
This is my crew!! (I'm not wearing a fanny pack - it just looks like it - it was my supplies bag.)
Under that outfit I was wearing spandex workout shorts, and a strapless backless bra - there was no room for modesty, I was smokin' hot in that outfit, let me tell ya! So while in line the people from were going around to all the "teams" and told us that if we made up a cheer/chant about ROTB/Filenes, etc we could win a dress! So we made up a poem/rhyme and when they came back we shouted it and we were in the finals! They came back to film, we threw in some hip bumps and leg kicks and a sweet line about (gotta love the site endorsement) and OMG - I WON!!!!!
They gave me a GC for $249, the price of what the least expensive tier of dress would be. So guess what, I was buying a dress that day no matter what!
So finally 8am got there and the race was on!! We went running around the building, down the steps and into the store! My poor friend Laura fell as we were running in the the store! I made a run back for her so she didn't get trampled and we lost Steph in the mix. Got in and all the dresses were already off the racks so it was a scavenger hunt to try and start getting dresses. The first ones were definitely "scrounged up" and were really scary. Then it was off to trade - there were two groups of smaller sized brides that were hoarding all of the small dresses and were refusing to trade! I felt better at the end though when one of the groups still hadn't picked a dress by the time I left. So Steph was out working the floor and Laura and I were trying on dresses.
Just a few pic from the field:Running in
About when Laura fell down
Yes these girls are wearing helmets!
I honestly wasn't blown away by a HUGE selection of beautiful designer dresses - a lot of it felt more like high end bridal boutiques cleared out the dresses that were on their clearance racks for a year. There were definitely some beautiful dresses but it always seemed like I was seeing them on other people! One funny part of the day was when a group found the dress they loved the whole group would scream and jump around - the funny part is this served as an alarm for all of those still looking for dresses. When you heard a group scream everyone else went running in that direction to try and get the leftover dresses from that group. I had one picked out that I was going to buy (and most likely sell on ebay) and then the group across from me offered me one they had been holding and it turned out to be very pretty. I still don't think it'll be the dress that I wear, I still love the other dress I posted about so will buy that - but I will officially be a two dress bride!
After a long day I wasn't spending $15 bucks on this shirt but it summed up how I felt ----->
All in all a fun adventure, would I do it again? Only for someone I REALLY liked.
Wow!! That was an adventure! We started preparing the night before where I gave my "team" their matching t-shirts, we made our "Need 0-6 with straps" trading signs and going through wedding mags to get an idea of what types of dress I like. Then we got up at 5:00 am and got there about 6:15. The doors opened up at 8am and when we got there at 6:15 I would estimate that there were already about 300-400 people in line in front of us. This was the side of the building and the line wrapped around that corner to the front door:
This is my crew!! (I'm not wearing a fanny pack - it just looks like it - it was my supplies bag.)
Under that outfit I was wearing spandex workout shorts, and a strapless backless bra - there was no room for modesty, I was smokin' hot in that outfit, let me tell ya! So while in line the people from were going around to all the "teams" and told us that if we made up a cheer/chant about ROTB/Filenes, etc we could win a dress! So we made up a poem/rhyme and when they came back we shouted it and we were in the finals! They came back to film, we threw in some hip bumps and leg kicks and a sweet line about (gotta love the site endorsement) and OMG - I WON!!!!!
They gave me a GC for $249, the price of what the least expensive tier of dress would be. So guess what, I was buying a dress that day no matter what!
So finally 8am got there and the race was on!! We went running around the building, down the steps and into the store! My poor friend Laura fell as we were running in the the store! I made a run back for her so she didn't get trampled and we lost Steph in the mix. Got in and all the dresses were already off the racks so it was a scavenger hunt to try and start getting dresses. The first ones were definitely "scrounged up" and were really scary. Then it was off to trade - there were two groups of smaller sized brides that were hoarding all of the small dresses and were refusing to trade! I felt better at the end though when one of the groups still hadn't picked a dress by the time I left. So Steph was out working the floor and Laura and I were trying on dresses.
Just a few pic from the field:Running in
About when Laura fell down
Yes these girls are wearing helmets!
I honestly wasn't blown away by a HUGE selection of beautiful designer dresses - a lot of it felt more like high end bridal boutiques cleared out the dresses that were on their clearance racks for a year. There were definitely some beautiful dresses but it always seemed like I was seeing them on other people! One funny part of the day was when a group found the dress they loved the whole group would scream and jump around - the funny part is this served as an alarm for all of those still looking for dresses. When you heard a group scream everyone else went running in that direction to try and get the leftover dresses from that group. I had one picked out that I was going to buy (and most likely sell on ebay) and then the group across from me offered me one they had been holding and it turned out to be very pretty. I still don't think it'll be the dress that I wear, I still love the other dress I posted about so will buy that - but I will officially be a two dress bride!
After a long day I wasn't spending $15 bucks on this shirt but it summed up how I felt ----->
All in all a fun adventure, would I do it again? Only for someone I REALLY liked.