Dang allergies
Tough day at the Struemph/Morgan household. VA allergies are really rough - I never even HAD allergies before we moved out here and now I'm taking allergy meds. So poor Micheal has a really tough time with all the pollen in the air. The pollen is pretty amazing out here - it covers the cars in a fine green dust there is so much of it; I've never seen anything like it. It looks like you've driven down a KS dirt road on a dry day and you've got a nice coat of dust on your car - BUT INSTEAD IT'S GREEEEN! Not good, not good.
Here are some pictures of my "green thumb" in action! The pot on the right has orange calla lillies growing in it. I'm practicing growing them to see how they turn out - trying to talk mom into growing them for my wedding next year!
We love our back yard though - even though it's small it really lends to some good times outside together and with the kitties. We have turned them into "outside monsters;" they want to go outside ALLLLL the time! If you even LOOK at the back door they're right there with you begging to go outside. It's a dance if I'm going outside and they can't go out - they're always trying to find a way to sneak on by. After the BIG rainstorm last night they definitely can't go out - since we have a mostly red clay yard it holds water nicely and so it turns a little swampy. The storm was crazy; we were under a tornado WARNING for a little while, but guess what! NO TORNADO SIRENS OR BASEMENTS IN VIRGINIA! So I panicked a little.....trying to decide which corner to hide in if I heard the "train" coming our way. We lucked out and it all went north of us but you could definitely tell that this was the most excitement the weather guy had seen here in a long time. Talking about rotating clouds and cautioning his faithful viewers to take cover.
The little guy on the left is a strawberry plant. He's growing great however...the strawberries...are a little weak ------->
We love our back yard though - even though it's small it really lends to some good times outside together and with the kitties. We have turned them into "outside monsters;" they want to go outside ALLLLL the time! If you even LOOK at the back door they're right there with you begging to go outside. It's a dance if I'm going outside and they can't go out - they're always trying to find a way to sneak on by. After the BIG rainstorm last night they definitely can't go out - since we have a mostly red clay yard it holds water nicely and so it turns a little swampy. The storm was crazy; we were under a tornado WARNING for a little while, but guess what! NO TORNADO SIRENS OR BASEMENTS IN VIRGINIA! So I panicked a little.....trying to decide which corner to hide in if I heard the "train" coming our way. We lucked out and it all went north of us but you could definitely tell that this was the most excitement the weather guy had seen here in a long time. Talking about rotating clouds and cautioning his faithful viewers to take cover.
Here are some pic of Micheal and the kitties enjoying their outside time -
Off to watch a movie! Happy Early Mother's day!!!