Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mother's Day! A tribute to the very special moms in my life:

First and foremost - there is MY mom! She's an inspiration to me and has been a major contributor to the person that I am today.

A proud mom at KU graduation!
May, 2004

Here we are before a sad goodbye...
August, 2006

Back on a trip to visit
Williamsburg, VA
May, 2007

Then there is one of the busiest moms I know, one of my best friends and my matron of honor:

Left to Right

Jolene & Ivy Jolene, Christmas 2006
Ivy & Ava, Dec 2007
Jolene & Me, Dec 13th, 2007

For the next two moms unfortunately I don't have any digital pictures!

This mom has been a part of my life for nearly 20 years now. I remember when I was about 8 I had a very serious talk with her about how I was going to "address" her - that I was going to call her Diana, and then if I got more comfortable maybe I would start calling her "step-mom..." I think she probably appreciates that we stuck with Diana! I'm very glad she's been a part of my life and I'd proud not only to be able to call her my step-mom, but also my friend.

Soon I will be adding another member to the club - a mother-in-law! Over the past 5 years we've gotten to know eachother, and I look forward to continuing to spend more time together and grow this relationship as part of the Struemph family!

I'm not sure how they do it - they'll have to give me lessons when it's my turn!

Happy Mothers Day ladies!!


we need to get you some pictures of me where I am not pregnant, nursing, or just given birth... Thank you for the tribute, I could not do it all with out all of the great support I receive. (that includes you! :))

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