Christmas shopping, a hurricane and grass seed!
Well it's been quite a day! I did an assessment in Fredericksburg this morning, YAY clinical hours AND an integrated report - Sah-weet! Came home, talked to Micheal - he's doing really well, enjoying his time in Prague. He's supposed to be going shopping for me tomorrow, Prague is known for their cystal...
I then decided to take on the yard before Hurricane Hanna dumped 1-5 inches of rain on us this weekend. I bought some Weed and Feed yesterday to put on our yard and learned that I really need to read the directions on things (I'm such a man in that regards...who needs instructions?!) So you're not supposed to put it down when it's going to rain within 24 hours (oops) and you're not supposed to put it down within 1 month of grass seed (OOPS!) Oh well, my yard is seeded and weeded and feeded and if grass grows then bully for me! I'm ready for the rain!
When I made a target run for grass seed (I SWEAR my mom always said that it was weed and SEED, not weed and feed...) I got sucked into the Target clearance, I SWEAR this Target has more clearance than any other Target I've ever frequented. So this is where the Christmas shopping came in - I knocked two gifts off my list!
Disney Princess 3 in 1 overnight bag complete with sleeping bag. Score for Aunt Kari!
Micheal comes home on Sunday - WOO!
I then decided to take on the yard before Hurricane Hanna dumped 1-5 inches of rain on us this weekend. I bought some Weed and Feed yesterday to put on our yard and learned that I really need to read the directions on things (I'm such a man in that regards...who needs instructions?!) So you're not supposed to put it down when it's going to rain within 24 hours (oops) and you're not supposed to put it down within 1 month of grass seed (OOPS!) Oh well, my yard is seeded and weeded and feeded and if grass grows then bully for me! I'm ready for the rain!
When I made a target run for grass seed (I SWEAR my mom always said that it was weed and SEED, not weed and feed...) I got sucked into the Target clearance, I SWEAR this Target has more clearance than any other Target I've ever frequented. So this is where the Christmas shopping came in - I knocked two gifts off my list!
Micheal comes home on Sunday - WOO!
Love youuuuuuuuuu!